The Joint Genome Institute works with hundreds of collaborators around the world. Each collaborator may have many sequencing proposals, and for each proposal there may be many organisms that the institute has agreed to sequence. I created this reporting tool to update collaborators on the status of JGI's sequencing efforts for the organisms they are collaborating on. The challenge here was to find a way to show real-time status information for a tremendously complex process that varies with the type of organism and the particular agreement the collaborator has with the institution. Painstaking user research allowed me to simplify the reporting to what collaborators really need and want to see. For each type of sequencing project, a different series of steps is rendered. The standard navigation bars (home, about us, etc. and sequencing menu) were designed by a colleague. The interaction flow and report graphics are my own (all rendered with CSS), as is the coding.
Login Form
Proposal List
Status Information for a Single Proposal to Sequence Multiple Organisms